40 Day Challenge

40 Day Challenge

The 40 Day Challenge would be the beginning of a new life. A life that is more connected to your inner world, the Divine, and with all that exists around us. I would love to offer this 40 day challenge to you as a self-help tool for knowing yourself more intimately than you know the menial things you have focused yourself on all these years. It is just a daily routine, actually. But adhere to the program and you'll surely feel the difference that it makes on each day.

Begin the 40 day challenge at night because I believe that each day's preparation starts the night before.

Before You Sleep

  1. Self Massage 

    Massage yourself. I have always done this and it feels great. One of my reasons for the 40 Day Challenge is so I could keep doing what I knew by experience would give us pleasurable feelings.  You may use lotion or oil but I recommend using lotion that has a soothing scent that you feel most relaxed with.  Start with your feet and work your way up. It is important that you feel good pampering yourself. Really languish on the feeling of relaxation and smile because you're giving yourself  some "Me" time.You deserve it. You are important. You are precious. You are royal in your own right and treating yourself like so sends an attractive signal to the Universe that you want more of this comfort in your life. You can massage areas like the feet, calves, thighs, abdomen, chest, arms, forearms, hands, neck, face and forehead. Do not worry about the areas which you cannot reach, concentrate on the great feeling of having released tensions and reduced stress all by yourself and realize that you can do it without having to spend. This makes you appreciate the fact that it takes too little to pamper yourself. Now did it just made you realize you do not have to envy those who has a lot of money for spa sessions? Yes right? Because from now on you will massage yourself every night, something not even the wealthiest do without miss. 
  2. Breathing Mantra 
    I have been using this mantra since 1999. I recite them every night before I go to bed.It is directed towards my physical health. A breathing mantra can be any two statements you repeat on each inhalation and exhalation respectively. My breathing mantra is much like an affirmation but that it is in form of a command. I consciously command my subconscious mind to release the old and sick out of my body while welcoming new and healthy cells to grow. I know now that nothing goes to waste as what we release is only recycled by the Universe so I don't really imagine the sickness, and free radical or toxins coming out literally and being expelled from me only to find the nearest person to invade. LOL that is pretty much an animated way of thinking about it.  No matter how my knowledge about the physical body and how the subconscious works on replenishing or healing it, the mantra stayed the same. I did not change it according to , maybe, a more proper way of saying it, because I have used it countless times and my subconscious already knew what I meant when I say the words. It doesn't matter if you know a little or a lot about the workings behind your intended mantra, just know your intentions and be careful with it, make them personal and use them repeatedly. Make it your own
  3. Meditation Do you realize that the 2 steps I mentioned above is but a preparation for Meditation? Meditation is your moment of conversation with God. I know that most are just used to praying but I would like you to consider meditating as a means of prayer. If you have been used to praying verbally, you can still do so. Sit somewhere comfortable and make sure there are no distractions near you. Quiet the mind.
    Take time first to acknowledge that God is everywhere. Feel God's energy in the surroundings; in the air you breathe and occupying all the space around you. Feel God's immense power and immediately feel yourself humbling down, and getting rid of the barriers. Pride, ego, self-righteousness.. all that are but defenses your consciousness built to safeguard your most fragile self. Now, you can be yourself. You can let your real self be revealed. Bare yourself and be still. Start saying your prayers, and really say them like you're talking to God face to face. Do not rush, be in a conversation mode, meaning someone else is listening , God is. So speak clearly and with all honesty. After you're finished pouring your heart out. It is time to hear God's answer. Be still and make no effort to anticipate an answer. God or the Universe is the Infinite Source of wisdom, the fountain of Love, the brightest Light, the most powerful energy and more! Clear your mind of any voluntary thoughts. Whatever comes to your mind that you feel did not come to you, accept them, but let it drift to the back of your mind effortlessly, accept God's visions, if you do not see anything, and nothing is forming in your mind, that's OK too. The Universe may converse to you directly or just work on your desires and the circumstances you released in your prayer. You may feel like you can remain like this for an hour but I suggest that you spend 20 minutes the first times.
    When coming out of meditation, you will really feel the vibration that it sometimes could make one dizzy. Take time to re orient yourself back to reality by gently shaking your hands, a little bit of stretching may help too. But once you get your senses back to consciousness, you will feel the vibrations are still high and sometimes ringing inside of you. That is the beauty of it. You have just raised your vibrational energy to an optimum level as a result of having went inside your world within to tap on the Infinite Source's energy. The next step is going to be charged with that high vibration that you can make magic with it. 

  4. Visualization
    Every night you will end the routine with a powered up visualization of your desires. Lie down your bed and visualize happiness and the way of life you dream of having. Visualize all the things that you can be able to experience no matter what the answer to your desires will be or no matter which means of manifesting will be. For example, visualize having time freedom and spending a lot of it with your family. Visualize material things if you may, but make sure it doesn't dictate a means of manifesting your dreams. Let the Universe or God, work on the ways your dreams will become reality.
    All you need to do is visualize the resulting lifestyle... the wonderful feelings. In your dream home, for example, visualize the experience of lying down on a lush bed, then get up to walk along the corridors, go downstairs while sliding your fingers on the smooth beautiful rails, run towards the door and be greeted by the fresh smell of the flowers and grass on your lawn, see you kids having fun, dressed in very nice clothes with smiles of sheer joy beaming on their faces. You can do the same for  a dream vacation and a dream car; anything that will make you feel even more alive and radiating. Anything that will make you simulate the exact feeling and the exact environment you want  your lifestyle to consist of. Visualize like this and until the feeling of comfort and happiness lulls you to sleep. What a wonderful way to end the day, right? 

Before You Get Up

  1. SMILE like a child  
    The very first thing you do when you wake up will make a very good and lasting effect all through out the day. Its what the Secret movie showed when you get up on the wrong foot and feel irritated, you will get more of irritating events all day. So smile because it's the easiest way to uplift your spirit. It's also the first thing you can send to the Universe that shows your unwavering faith and trust in God. In fact, smile like a child; sweet and genuine. Flash the kind of smile that could melt hearts and instantly feel good about your day because happiness will be the mood you set for the day. 
  2. Stretch on Bed With that smile on your face, stretch your arms and legs. I just find it very effective in waking up your muscles and it does make you feel great about actually getting up. 
  3. Affirmation As soon as you are sitting up straight at the edge of the bed, pronounce your chosen affirmations. For me, I choose to say: "I am great, I am creative and productive, I am passionate with what I do, I can make things possible, I am worthy of good things in Life, I am going to do wonderful things and I am unstoppable" You can choose your own affirmations. 
Now you are ready to face the day. :) Do these steps daily for 40 days and observe how your body will want to continue doing it for the rest of your life! Also observe how as you do this challenge you will be more awake than you ever was. You'll see things more clearly and will spot great opportunities big and small.

To those who will embark on this 40 Day Challenge, I pray that you get the most out of it. Enrich your day with these step and be in tune with God or the Universe. Live your life to the fullest!


  1. Let me digest this post more carefully so I can see how I can fit it into my routine. We really need to spend extra time to pamper and relax ourselves -- without wifi and gadgets, hehe.

    1. Oww, Freddie. I'm glad you're actually considering it! The self massage doesn't have to be too elaborate and time consuming. It's like massage but more of caressing yourself or a loving touch. And I sometimes cover all areas , sometimes not but there are certain areas I don't skip. :)

  2. This can really help you relax and at the same time be more focused. This would be a good habit to keep.

    1. Thanks. It does. It only takes a few minutes to reward yourself everyday with this routine.

  3. This is awesome! I am actually into self-help, meditation, affirmation, law of attraction and all those things you mentioned. I've been practicing them since 2008 (although I've first learned about it via Oprah in 1998) and I can definitely attest that they will make your life better. Doing these things will make you happier and closer to reaching your true potential your dreams and your highest self. Kudos for sharing! :)

    1. Thank you! It's really nice to encounter people who believes in the Law of Attraction. I will be interviewing successful people that will depict how the LOA principles applied to their lives., so do check back often for it. :) Thank you! Sending loving to your family right now.

  4. I've never heard of this 40 Day Challenge before. Seems like a great way to take care of yourself more :D

    1. Thank you! and Yes, it is! :) It's actually a challenge to spare some time for yourself and reward yourself for all the good job you're doing. And as a bonus, the Universe will conspire with your plans. Whatever you delight yourself in doing, feeling, and thinking the Universe or God as we all know Him paves way for more time and resources so you could have more of what makes you happy. :)

  5. Wow.. 40 days challenge looks quite nice to take out time for yourself.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's the least but enjoyable thing we can do for ourselves.

  6. Breathing properly and self massage really helps. I've tried that personally and know it. And yes, when you continuously do something for 40 days, it becomes a habit indeed.

    1. Thank you! That's the real purpose of it, establishing a habit of loving yourself more. :)

  7. These are great tips. I'd probably start doing some of these, especially the one on affirming myself. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pointers.

  8. Great tips to streamline yourself in this busy life. I will try to consciously follow some of these tips.

    1. Thank you! It's my Day 5 actually, and so far so good. :)

  9. Just what I needed for affirmation. I have been dodging bullets of negativity lately. And just offloaded some more yesterday. And now this! Makes me think, I am doing the right thing! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad I could help in a way, that's what this blog is all about. Thank you too for letting my post affect you positively because not always do we open up to absorb good things in life. We tend to be selective at times too. So thank you because you let my words serve it's purpose.

  10. Like what you wrote at the end, this should be a daily challenge rather than 40 days! I will try the breathing mantra and the visualization! Starting today!

  11. Oh, this challenge is nice. I want to try it myself and hopefully I can do the challenge!


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